Friday, May 29, 2009

Fox reports that case against black panthers dropped?

This extends to an incident in Philadelphia on election day '08, the New Black Panthers party showed up as "security" on election day. One of them, a "Minister King Samir Shabazz" was holding a night stick apparently intimidating voters (saw a video, it was intimidating). Now Fox is reporting that charges have been dropped for lord knows what reasons. I just wanted to comment here that while I guess I raise an eyebrow that any charges were dropped, it's worth noting that if you bother reading the Dismissal notice which Fox was kind enough to link to the following text appears:

"3.    This dismissal does not extend to Defendant Minister King Samir Shabazz."

So apparently the guy with the night stick isn't getting off so easily, not in this dismissal anyway. Again, I personally don't think any charges should be dropped so over all this was disturbing to read... But at the very least, that one detail Fox choose not to report on, that the "guy with a night stick" isn't having charges dropped against him is some comfort. More over based on what I've found on google, Shabazz sounds like he might be a Panthers higher up, so if he's convicted this could be quite problematic for the group.


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