Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I still don't have time to discuss my feelings...

Over all, but I think it's important to share this video with everyone. This is Republican Strategist Mark Corallo discussing why Barack Obama won, why he and not John McCain were the right candidate for the times and how the republican party should go about rebuilding after this massive defeat. His thoughts though, I think are crucially important particularly for those republicans who are very disappointed by the Obama victory. Watch below:

So, the most important point I think is this basic one:

We as Americans want something to vote for. It seems like the Republican party as a whole kind of fell into a neocon trap of not only moving far right (and pretending like that was the center), but also running on a platform of trying to give the nation something to vote against not something to vote for. Instead of hope, we all to often were given doubt. Instead of unity we were given divisiveness. This seeped even into the McCain campaign despite the principals of the man running for office.


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