The evil of religious cults...
So CNN has been running a series of articles on Jim Jones and his cult coensiding with the 30th anniversary of the Jonestown suicide. Usually I wouldn't bother blogging about something like that, but they decided to include 4 audio recordings taken from tapes of Jones in a sermon as well as other situations such as punishing a girl for some reason with a snake.
Quite honestly, it's the single most evil thing I've ever heard in my life. It really shocks me that he managed to maintain any following what so ever. Obviously I'm no expert on cult mentality, but I think if I saw something like the snake punishment that would trigger something in me to fight this guy. Anyway, if you're curious to read up on and hear what I'm talking about click the link below. A warning, the audio recordings while censored for language content aren't very sanitized and are very disturbing.
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