Congrats Paulessia
I'd love to just say congratulations to my sister and new broinlaw Paul for having the best wedding anyone could ever hope to have... ever.... This took place a few days ago on the 31st, I haven't gotten around to writing about it yet but I wanted to say something tonight really quickly before passing out (as it were). So congrats guys!!!
On a personal note, I'd like to say I couldn't be happier with my new broinlaw! Seriously, Paul rocks hard core, I can't imagine anyone else in this world being better for my sister! I know he's going to take good care of her, and she's absolutely going to do a great job taking care of him.
Oh yeah, and happy new year everyone! I hope y'all spent it as soberly as I did ;)
Ooooh!!!! And yes... A super special thanks needs to go out to Kelly Post for being my wedding date!! Kelly, you were the best wedding date ever!