Well, it's been a while since I've blogged on a regular basis, but I suppose I'm going to go ahead and give it another go. So without further ado, my life since my last post in October.
Well, for starters as some of you may have heard, I started seeing someone new in October. After ~ 3 months of total singledome I've decided that I need to just get out there and see what could happen. So I signed up with the match.com folks even though I didn't meet anyone there when I was in OH. Figured I'd give it a whirl because even though I had never met anyone, most everyone else I knew that tried it actually did manage to meet people. Well, this time I had a bit more success, met a Neo-Natal nurse practitioner (who I'm currently seeing) and a very nice girl who's currently in medical school studying up to become a pathologist (odd how my move to NC has attracted the medical field in oh so many ways).
The Med student turned out to be a very nice person, but was currently a bit too tied up in her school life to really start a relationship with and such things. So I talk to her once in a while online, but that's about it.
The nurse turned out to be a fairly good find, though a very odd one in a way. Turns out she went to the same high school that Kathy and her friends did only about a year above them (though from what I understand they didn't really directly know eachother at the time). I thought that was kind of interesting and neat. Apparently I'm attracted to girls who went to Enloe HS in Raleigh, so I guess if that's you and you still live in the area watch out! ;) j/k
The holidays
The holidays were an interesting mixed bag of emotions for me. For starters it was my first Christmas away from home for me. I guess being away from home wasn't such a big deal for me, not that I don't love my family very much. More that I've always been fairly independent so I've never had huge issues with not being with my family even for big things like the holidays. Even still, it was very different going to Christmas mass here at my new church as opposed to back in Grosse Pointe with my family, and not having Christmas dinner with them after church like usual, opening gifts etc. We did talk on the phone from about 10pm till 1am, reading trivial pursuit cards (my roomy joined in) and opening presents starting at midnight.
At the same time, I missed my HS buddy Scott Pastor's wedding. On December 22nd he got married to his HS sweet heart which I thought was totally cool. Unfortunately Scott is currently in the Army and will be shipping out to Afghanistan this month as a chemical warfare specialist. So that was a bitter sweet event.
Also, this holiday season my friend Kathy lost her grandmother which broke my heart. Not that I knew her grandmother all that well, because truth be told I never met her. But more because well, to be 100% honest I still care for Kathy more than I do most other people I've ever met. In fact I love her whole family, they're about the best people I've ever met, extremely geneoun people, a very rare thing in today's world. I was there for her (and all of them) as much as I could be, or at least as much as Kathy needed/wanted me to be there. Then on top of that Kathy twisted her knee just after new year and was unable to visit her friends in Charlotte like she had planned. So I visited her for a night then, in addition to a few times over Christmas. I was happy about being able to bring at least a little bit of glee and joy to the girls (Kathy and Leslie) and their parents for Christmas by getting some nice cute presents for them :) Admiringly I haven’t been the best at getting really awesome presents in the past, but I think I did ok for myself.
Also another friend lost a grandparent over the holidays. My friend becci lost her grandfather in a sad accident just before Christmas... Though I can't be there for her because she's in MO, but I definitely on the phone with her a bit to help her along.
So over all, how have things shaped up since my last regular blog posts? Over all, I suppose I would have to say I'm more depressed than anything else. For the positives of the holidays (I got my first Christmas tree!! picture blogs accompany) but still, with everything else and some personal feeling and such that have not yet been worked out I'm just generally blah. Oh well... Talk to y'all later.