Since I last posted, so I figured I'd go ahead and post something up really quick before bed time roles around. Well ok, there are those who may argue that probably it should have rolled by now, but frankly I just don't want to go to bed, so there! na na na na naaaa na!
So, I just got off of some pretty powerful antibiotics... When I last posted that I got sick I figured I just had a simple flu... But oh no, things couldn't stay there, I had to run off and get me some bronchitis. First time they put me on antibiotics it didn't completely knock out the infection, hence the strong stuff. I *think* it might finally have completely knocked it out, we'll see. I feel better, good enough to go to the gym which I did yesterday if only for just a little while. Hopefully I will now stay better for a good long while.
I finally got my Wii back from Kathy a little while ago, so I had a get together last weekend. Actually ended up being quite the social weekend for me, Wii party on friday which many showed up for. Saturday I ended up hanging out with Joey and Laura and a bunch of others, we watched the Big Lebowski in HD on a rather nice Panny tube HD TV (1080i of course). It was great, there was one majorly funny movie, tones a junk food and beer, who could possibly ask for more? Then Sunday I played games with Trevor again which is turning into a weekly thing. So that was all fun stuff.
No real updates with the family... Ok wait, I'm lying, my sister is engaged to a great guy name Paul Long. I think they're a great couple and I can't even begin to blog about how happy I am for them. They totally rock and I'm so looking forward to having Paul as a bro in law. I've even started out planning wedding gift idea's... Yes yes, even though I have no idea where they're going to be living, who all is getting them what and all those other trivial little details. So that's the big news with my family, my mom's cancer treatments go well, no real updates. She's on her second chemo treatment I do believe, she's handling the whole thing as well as anyone could possibly expect. I'm glad that with all the research they've poured into breast cancer the desies has just become "one of those things you treat and then you move on" for the most part. I'm well aware that's not how it is for everyone, but massive improvements have been made which I'm very grateful for.
As for me, well... I guess I'd say at this point in my life I'm generally not the happiest camper. It's nothing specific I suppose, I certainly couldn't pin it on any one thing. Hence I'm up most nights at least this late not wanting to go to bed, and continuously buying new HD movies (spending is a bad habit when I'm down). Most recently I got, Elizabeth, Dragon Heart, I Robot, Cars (great animation), The big Lebowski, Ice Age and DVE (Digital Video Essentials) to calibrate my TV. All these in high def, most in HD DVD at insane firesale/close out pricing which would be why I can actually afford this. Oh yeah, I also got me umbrella chronicles for my wii, it's a fun Resident Evil arcade type shooter. You use the Wii gun thing (also got this, it was cheap) much like you would use one of those faux uzzis in a quarter arcade game. It's fairly challenging and a lot of fun, I think I'm going to be addicted for a while. So at any rate, yeah I've just been down and I guess I'm just looking for stuff to keep me occupied. I'm still currently on my quest to find a girl, I've had luke warm success. Most recently I went on a series of initally really promising dates with an Italian las, but in the end she's going to be going back to school for her masters, in either NY or MA so I guess that pretty much puts an end to stuff. So I'm back to trying to meet people. I'm thinking about seeing if I can get one of my friends to go out with me on a regular basis to something where we can socialize with... you know, other people our age that we *DON'T* already know. Typically I don't like meeting people this way since it's such a crap shoot as to whether you'll meet anyone that's even worth 5 minutes of conversation, but who knows.
anyway, seriously now... Bed time.
Oh yeah, I've recently become addicted to Jericho and have found it to be the second best TV show still running. Sadly my 1st fav, Battlestar Galactica is on it's last season :(