Happy new year everyone, I hope everyone had a fun, safe, awesome holiday. Mine was pretty decent, I was back in Detroit from December 23rd - 28th which was fun and refreshing. Didn't see everyone that I wanted to see while I was there, notably my college friends Kelly and Eddy. But I did see my high school gang which was great, everyone there is doing very well. I also got to see Steve and Lynn's new baby girl, she was absolutely cute as a button.
While I was there, I found out my mom's biopsy results from her recent surgery. It turns out that while the 1st lymph node showed no signs of cancer at all, the second one actually did. So there will be another surgery to remove more lymph nodes. From what I understand this puts us back into a bit of a wait and see mode. I guess some form of chemo(sp?) is an absolute certainty now, but we don't know if it will be a pill kind or a drip kind, at least that's what I understood.
On the relationships front, well as to be expected there's absolutely nothing to report. I've been trying to meet up with girls on the match.com dating website and seeing where that gets me since I don't know anyone off hand that I would want to date 'round these parts. I've met one girl on there so far that I'm actually kind of interested in, but I literally just met her, and being the holidays emailing back and fourth is slow. So we'll see what happens there. Honestly a bit nervous about the whole dating thing at this point, but there is the whole if I ever want to be happy I need to start looking for someone thing, so I suppose that is motivation.
Anyway, happy new year everyone.
P.S., yeah I never did figure out what's wrong with my blog formatting. I just don't have the energy for it. So I suppose for the time being it'll stay this way. Perhaps one magical day it'll fix its self.
P.P.S, ok changing to the blue version of my blog seems to have fixed it. Hooray, this one actually looks nicer anyway so I'm sticking too it. It doesn't burn my eyes out as much, that is always a bonus.